The Ongoing Concept – Saloon

Released 2024

The Ongoing Concept – Saloon

Released 2024


Well, it took 92(+) releases, but we finally got around to the “origin story” time: Would you have ever guessed that our little “print of someone else’s painting” brand called Unoriginal Vinyl wouldn’t have existed without The Ongoing Concept? “Saloon” is the most original, interesting, fun, bananas & BEST record put out by Solid State Records between 2010-2020. Fight me on that. I can guarantee you no other band was as innovative, over-the-top (the singer’s flip off the half pipe at their show is STILL a legendary “YouTube repeat” around these here parts) or risk-taking as this band has been. They never get the credit or recognition they deserve.. but few genius bands ever do in their eras, just ask Josh Scogin. So, in 2014, I took the concept from the 2011 “Cover Girl” music video, & thought, “Well… if I was to start working on vinyl record reissues myself, this ALL isn’t like.. any of my original work, so why not just like.. be completely, brazenly, obnoxiously, loudly defiant of the idea of “anyone in this generation having any originality” to begin with? Like.. our brand becomes the OPPOSITE message of TOC?” Not a single year has gone by since its release that I haven’t blasted this record at least twice through. Get on board, as unlike all of the other supremely-innovative acts in T&N History (The Chariot, mewithoutyou, Danielson Famile, etc etc.), these guys are still around, continuing to lead the pack as “true pioneers & innovators” on Solid State Records.

Pitch Deck

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