Oh, Sleeper – When I Am God

Released 2019

Oh, Sleeper – When I Am God

Released 2019


Doing the art for this record brought me back to a simpler time in Seattle & hanging out with my fellow-horror-nerd-buddy Dean Spirit around the Solidstaterecords/Tooth and Nail Records offices & outside. We talked about this Oh Sleeper record art that Invisible Creature was doing upstairs in the attic, & how beautiful it was. Then we went to meet the ladies of The Evil Dead & George Romero (RIP, my tall, tall friend). Micah Dean & I keep our #bromance alive to this day by keeping a trinket from Pike Place Market, bought for each other, in our shaving kits... just kidding. There is no way Micah owns a shaving kit.

Pitch Deck


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