Further Seems Forever – The Moon is Down
Released 2022
Further Seems Forever – The Moon is Down
Released 2022
It’s been called a great many “honorary titles” throughout the years; Why not add “contains an 80-page hardcover book” to the list of accolades? When first applying for the licenses 2 years ago, we started with the idea of including a “The Oral History of”-style essay about the history of 90’s Florida Hardcore & Emo Music scene, which gave rise to Further Seems Forever. Naturally, we went looking for Ryan Downey to write some fresh content, because he always killed it on legendary Alternative Press articles in the 00s. Our earliest ideas/demo designs for the box set leaned heavily into the idea of “multiple pastel covered vinyl colored editions,” to differentiate this anniversary edition from the previous pressings, with the book being a homage to the original “Florida” cover of the Takehold Records EP. These concepts were SCRAPPED, because, we all mutually agreed upon the idea that the color & “brand” of this album was always PINK. So, Invisible Creature directed the project, we got to learn a ton from Ryan while he whipped everything (with complete ease) into the far-superior, exquisite work of art you see before you (although we did end up picking out & even inventing a new, never-before-attempted white cloudy colorway in the final variant colors). There is no question about his vision for the art direction here being the right decision on every level. “The Moon Is Down” is Greg & Karina’s favorite album their senior year of high school, & our own FSF-knockoff band in 2002 flagrantly, unapologetically ripped off MANY ideas from this record to disastrous effect. Yet. Despite getting to be a part of this project & seeing our robot logo next to the iconic cycloptic mummies’, working with true design legends like Ryan or John Nissen, who take our novel ideas & breathe BRILLIANT life into them, has been the best gift we never-could-have-guessed would come out of this whole wild ride. So go ahead... Pour through this New Year’s project for many years to come, or just until sundown… sometimes 2001 feels Further away than we all might like to imagine in our heads; sometimes it Seems like Forever ago.
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